Saturday, November 17, 2007


Didnt do justice to capture a friend's theme... n I didnt even try hard enough...
Nevertheless.. here it goes

The mask has been on for so long
That I cease to seek reality
There was a time I did.. but failed
Not because I coudn't find it
But because I did...
Till I find my lost smile
The mask needs to be on...
Coz it makes you smile!

I wanted to leave the world
That he no longer shared with me
The world devoid of my love..
I couldn't!
My first love wouldnt let me..
The love for myself!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Door mat

Not sure if most of u will like it coz it doesnt look like poetry at all... but here I go...

Everytime I feel the warmth of your sole
I feel wanted...and almost loved...
It is when you slam the door
That I wake up to reality
It'll never matter who I am
How I look or what I say...
I'm just the door mat in your way...

Thursday, April 26, 2007

To a person whom I wish I could reach out to...

This is dedicated to a person I've tried and I keep trying to reach out to... I've always wanted to reach out the little kid lost in layers of cynicism.. And I guess a special friend who is also having more or less the same struggle might empathize a lil with me... To all the lost kids and to all the people who've set out to reach to them.. Here is my lil poem...

Hey there, my lonely ranger
Its been so long since you said Hi
Maybe you thought you scared me away
Or maybe you thought I said good bye
Would you believe it if I say I'm still here
Right where you left me in tears
Waiting for another chance to reach out to you
There is an unspoken little bond that awaits to be renewed

I wonder how you'd have been as a kid
Would there still be this bull-headedness
That quick temper that flashes so oft
Or where they just what time has stamped
Over a smile that could have been so soft?

Maybe if we'd met in a different time
Shared a candy or two, said different lines
Built a few castles in our backyards
I'd have cracked a few walls around your heart
And yeah, that would have been a better start...

There is no meaning.. hoping for a past
When even the present would not forever last
Still I'm searching for the lost little kid
Who peeks out sometimes before you shut the lid...

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Alone in the crowd

Using this blog after a very long time.. I've tried to pen a poem after too long.. Do post ur reviews

Feels like I'm isolated
I'm talking to my echoes
To hide forever in my secret world
Is just the life I chose
Lost in a million thoughts
Dreaming to escape reality
A single note for a forgotten song
Unheard, unsensed, I drift along
A pebble in the river of time
A teardrop in the ocean of joy
A snowflake in the raging storm
A shiver in the summer warmth
So here yet so far away
I'm alone in the crowd!